My Pink Party
Hi Hi,
Sorry for the late post, alot of photos and need to filter out.
Recently I super busy also.... =(
My birthday was great! Thanks to all those who came down.
Did not intend to celebrate cos was busy and thank god for people around me who let me had fun!
Was abit disppointed though cos I know is a Tue night but I thought can just come for a while to eat the pretty cake.
Anyway I didnt even eat my own birthday cake....
I forgot!!!
The lovely pink balloons that was tied up one by one.....

only our table is pink!

Thanks to Ashley to came down early to do it for me. Thanks wor!

The first few who were there! Thanks to Stella for planning and bought me a lovely present!!! Fancl Tense up and supplements! I love it alot alot!

Judy came and she said that her socks same as ken's top!

In pink!

Edwin who share the same birthday! He got too drunk that he cannot rem how he went home.

Pink Pink Pink!

Our lovely Dr Mattew who is going into aesthetic soon! Need botox liao!

Pink Again!!

Thanks to Victor Tong for coming as well!

Our most favourite drinking Kkaki! Jospeh

Ruican, only manage to take photo with him....=(

Lovely cake!

Happy Birthday to me!

Happy Birthday to PS Divas!

Sing me the song!

Make a wish!

Super happy!

Success to the pink party!

Hmmmm dunno what happen actually

Ken always in good hands..

I puke like 4 times....was pull up to the big big stage....

Dunno which idiot grab a bottle.....i know i in shit....

Wow....not bad, got flowers sial!

Cos Lao Niang on stage so for "face" sake, I pour 10secs.....

I swear revenge so I just pour everyone like i own the stage....

Then someone passed me another full glass of Martell neat + beer, for face sake again, i ta finish...

I turning super red....

Then I start jumping on everyone and make them carry me! Ben!

My 2 favourite male dancers!


Then whenever people start to drink.....we kiss....

I got a birthday kiss!

Then my dear girl's bf bought me a drink, got fire one and till now, i still dunno what is it....i did not finish...only had 2 mouth....

The last time i got something with fire was when i was 21, I laosai for 1 week....

The next day, i laosai for 10 times....

That's what happen to a birthday girl.......

Next year dunno want to do it again or not...
Oh and this year is the only year I never receive sad =(
Hi Hi
I am back from bangkok! It was a great one!
Thanks to my partner for sponsoring me food, drink, shopping, air ticket and hotel!
I didn't buy alot this time but I think 90% i bought I will wear de. Last time I buy around 60% i wear nia....
Hmmmm tomorrow my dear Stella arrange a Pink Birthday Bash for me!
And the thing is hor...
Lao Niang forgot to buy a nice pink outfit tomorrow night.....
I still super lazy now to decide what I will be wearing cos PMS is here......
Anyway, photo time!
Welcome Lao Niang to bangkok! I Love Bangkok!

Stayed at Baiyoke Boutique Hotel which is behind Baiyoke Sky!

New, Clean and Cheap! $35/person/night

Lobby super big though.....

That's the room, ok la, not too big!

Love the sofa!

Bathroom was clean and I accidently spoil the metal hanger that was suppose to hang the towel.... Think it should be still there ba cos for 2 days, no one came to repair.....

Shopping started at 5pm-8pm.....Only these but I so love it!

2nd day! My wardrobe is THAT boring.....

Went to Chachutchak Market on Sun, think was kena ripped and bought the pink hat for $10sgd

Nice cafe at Section 12. Main purpose there to buy clothes for Nana

Not bad but no snack......

What was I looking at sial.....

The owners super stylo....

Went to eat Zhi-Char at Pratunam Market, it is call "Sidewalk Cafe"

Paiseh, I look super relac in Bangkok, as lok as possible! The food not say very cheap but not bad though

Naked is it also call "Raw"???? SO I can say I need to be "Raw" to bath???!!!

Not too bad, not too dirty I think......If you compare the whole area.....


Pineapple rice, roast pork, tom yeung, pad thai!

Buying bra and the lady insisted to try on me while at the so open area....-_-

I found a favourite food liao! Duck Meat Mama Soup noodle! Not bad leh! Thick Thick soup and not too soft noodle

This is at "Platinium Mall" 6th Floor food court - Stall 16

Last day....I bought all these for only...... $20sgd?

I was so happy! Cathay upgraded us to Business Class! I so big first time sit business class!

Lucky me!! So happy and I so excited! Big and comfortable!

Wooohoo! Thank god for treating me good!