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Monday, April 14, 2008


I am very stressed, suddenly I saw my bank left with a pathetic amount of money that you cannot imagine....

I am in debts I realize...

Credit card debts, favor debts from my family and Mr Ng.

I got a client who owes me money and run away for modelling jobs and I only manage to get some money back not enough to cover my losses.

Time is running out and I nearly cried this 2 nights thinking what to do and how I can survive.

This is the period of my life where I feel so helpless.

Though Modelling and Pitstop Cleaning is giving me teeny weeny bit of income but I pump alot of money into doing property.

I give up most modelling jobs to spend time in doing property.

I give up most time in meeting my friends in doing property.

I give up shopping to able to save more money for doing property.

I cannot understand where and what is going wrong...

The cashflow problem is getting worst.

I will not fall

I will not crumble.

I made a promise to myself, to focus in what I am doing.

I just set a timetable for myself

I promise myself to follow strictly on the timetable and do whatever it takes to make my mark in property business.

I am not asking for much, I am not hoping I will be a millionaire.

I only hope to sell and help people get what they want, their dream homes.

The person above will bless me, I know.



chill, im sure everything will fine.. (: bless
maybe you're juz not cut out to be a salesperson. it's not abt looking pretty only.
Its not just about the inflow that matters.

More importantly,
Learning to stop the outflow is just as impt in the art of growing your wealth.
I feel that you are pushing urself just too much. as what the comment above said, maybe property/sales is just not for you.
you need to have at least $50k in capital to do property, you think by just pumping in a few thousand dollars will make you a millionaire? No way, you are just too naive.

So many anonymous said that you might just not cut out to be in sales, maybe they are right.

Advise from a person who is doing property for the past 18 years.
Perhaps the properties pricing is just too expensive now, hence not much people buying?

Don't worry. There's nothing that's impossible. As long as you have the patience and interest, I'm sure you will succeed one day!

Just learn more each day, and try to control your outflow. Learn from your seniors, and try to get advices from them on how to do property better.

dun give up hope, my dear girl... hang on steadfast. Whether you're cut to be a salesperson or not, it doesn't matter. End of the day you ask yourself, have you done your best and you got any regrets doing sales. One time fail doesn't mean you'll fail forever.
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