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Goood The Morning!
YO Yo Good Morning!
**Sing Along with me
I got show tonight and tomorrow though......also not resting..-_-
Anyway I got a favour to ask u all lar.....
Is anyone selling PDA or u got any reviews on PDA?
I am looking for one but I only know I want excel, other than that I dunno what to look out for.
It is actully for my work.
I am quite broke so I cannot really buy a lastest new one. I do not mind a second hand one.
Can pls email me?
Oh and for those who sell me a lousy one......dun said Lao Niang never warn...
U sure Kan Na Lan if I flame u here....
And one more favour, anyone out there going korea soon?
I need u all to help me buy something leh.
Just email me can? verypoisonouslady@hotmail.com I scared u all cannot see lar...hahaha
Muakzzz, poisonlady p/s: Our fav fav devils bar is closing down.... =( dunno whether can go down today to see the beloved friends...