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What was I doing on Sun?
Did I mention I need to work on Sun?Got a short dance performance for dunno worldcup dunno what lar....Was at Tampines Mall at bout 3.30pm but due to rain, alot of things was delayed.We did not really rehearsal much becuase we were told to do some freestyle thingy, if anyone of u saw me, u might prolly see the blur cock face on me.It was fun though because I really enjoy hanging out with girls. FUn girls and most of the girls I knew of was fun.The devils bitches are also the fun group but if u realise, we sledom meet up now due to very very the busy wor.I hope we can meet up tomorrow night or soon.BUTNow the problem is.....Where to smoke? Nah Bey...10% of the seats not alot u know?They only count the outside ones, not together with the inside ones....U think.....I can take a dustbin and yellow tape and tape a yellow box wherever I go?Anyway, smokers are pathetic lar...Dun lecture me on quitting, I know what I am doing....Photos time!The girls!
Yen, Rachel, Me, Judy, Hana and Ice!
The 2 siao char bohs......
But they are fun lar and I love them!
While changing into our costume, this bunch of kids keep talking and talking... buey tahan lor...
The costumes! Er...taken after the performance and i8n the rain....all look not nice leh... I go sleep le....Love u!